Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Now it was time to go to Capetown, South Africa, our last stop on the trip.  We were in 3 countries in one day - Zambia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa.  Our first expedition was to Robben Island to see the prison where Nelson Mandela was held for 18 years.  The island was quite a stark place with a quarry where the prisoners broke rocks and moved them from one place to another until there was a use for the rock.  An ex-political prisoner gave the tour of the buildings and told of the routine followed by the prisoners.
We had a free day the next day, so we rode the hop on-hop off sightseeing bus to Kirstenbosch Gardens and walked on their tree canopy walkway.  Very neat.  Also took in the wineries at Groot Constantia and Eagles Nest.  Good times.....
Our next day was spent on a bus tour of the Cape Town area stopping at Boulders to see the penguins.  They had lots of young ones which were so cute.  It was fun to watch them go into the water and come back out.  We went to the Cape of Good Hope and rode up the funnicular for a good view of the point. 

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